
Important – Students at College or University

If you’re starting college or university you should make sure you’ve already had:

  • the MenACWY vaccine – which protects against serious infections like meningitis. You can still ask your GP for this vaccine until your 25th birthday, if you missed having it at school or before coming to the UK to study
  • 2 doses of the MMR vaccine – as there are outbreaks of mumps and measles at universities. If you have not previously had 2 doses of MMR you can still ask your GP for the vaccine
  • Roundwood Park Medical Centre offers these vaccinations to eligible patients free of charge

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The Pneumococcal Vaccine

  • The PPV vaccine is available on the NHS for children and adults aged from 2 to 64 years old who are at a higher risk of developing a pneumococcal infection than the general population.This is generally the same people who are eligible for annual flu vaccination.
  • If you’re 65 or over, you will also be offered the pneumococcal (PPV) vaccine. This one-off vaccination is very effective at protecting you against serious forms of pneumococcal infection.

Useful links

The Shingles Vaccine

A vaccine to prevent shingles, a common, painful skin disease is available on the NHS to people in their 70s.

The shingles vaccine is given as a single injection into the upper arm. Unlike the flu jab, you’ll only need to have the vaccination once and you can have it at any time of the year.

Useful links

Flu Immunisation

Seasonal flu is a highly infectious illness caused by a flu virus.

The virus infects your lungs and upper airways, causing a sudden high temperature and general aches and pains.

You could also lose your appetite, feel nauseous and have a dry cough. Symptoms can last for up to a week.

We offer ‘at risk’ groups the flu vaccine at a certain time each year to protect you against the flu virus.

You may be invited for a flu jab if you are:

  • over 65 years of age
  • pregnant

or have:

  • a serious heart or chest complaint, including asthma
  • serious kidney disease
  • diabetes
  • lowered immunity due to disease or treatment such as steroid medication or cancer treatment
  • if you have ever had a stroke
  • If you have any queries please contact the surgery.

For more information please visit the websites below:

Useful links

Travel Vaccines

We administer NHS travel vaccinations and advice

For current vaccination recommendations and comprehensive travel advice, check the free NHS site Fit for Travel.

It is recommended you make an appointment to see the Practice Nurse at least 6 weeks before travelling. This gives a chance to have all the vaccines you need. If you are travelling at short notice, we can administer an accelerated programme though this is not so satisfactory. When booking your appointment, tell the receptionist you are coming for travel jabs.

People working abroad, especially aid workers, may require extra immunisations.

If you originally come from the country you are visiting, it is likely your immunity will have worn off so it is important to be vaccinated.

  • Diphtheria/Tetanus, Polio, Typhoid, and Hepatitis vaccinations are all available free of charge.
  • Meningitis A&C or ACWY, Hepatitis B, Rabies and yellow fever vaccinations are not available on the NHS and should be obtained from a private travel clinic.
  • The Japanese B Encephalitis vaccine is only available privately from Masta.
  • Dip/Tet and Polio may require a booster every 10 years for travellers to certain areas
  • Heptatitis A requires a booster vaccine 6-12 months after the first with boosters every 10 years.
  • Hepatitis B requires a booster 5 years after the initial course of 3 injections. Typhoid lasts 3 years.

Don’t forget to take malaria tablets – these are not available on the NHS and need to be bought from a pharmacy. Some require a private prescription, some not. Our nurse will tell you which combination you’ll need – there may be seasonal changes. Though vitally important, the tablets do not offer complete protection so also take mosquito protection measures (mosquito netting, repellents, long sleeves, sprays and vaporiser, all of which help to some extent). All children will require protection; reduced dose vaccines and malaria prevention are available.